Soul Journey Guidance 1:1 Up Close and Personal with Just Steph®

It’s not a coaching session. It is an experience.

Steph helps you to be ok with yourself!

Enjoy a Zero F*@ks Given Life!

Steph helps you discover your spirituality and incorporate it into your life. Steph teaches you how to meld a spiritual practice with the realities of daily life in order to enjoy the fullest expression of yourself, “the complete life package.”

You have a great life.
Something is missing
Why aren’t you happier?

When you have it all, you realize it is all you have.

You have spent years giving to everyone else.
You put yourself last.

You want to start a spiritual practice, but do not know where to begin.
Will everyone else think you lost your marbles?

Starting a spiritual practice and staying connected to The Divine is confusing.
It also makes people around you uncomfortable.
Do you have to give up your life and all the fun?


I am looking for coachable people who want to:

• Deepen their spirituality
• Understand the connection between life’s realities, our souls and the spiritual realm.
• Find out what religion has got to do with it all.
• Know how The Law of Attraction and Manifestation fit with religion and are not juxtaposed to a relationship with The Divine.
• Believe that having a fun, full life is Spirit’s plan for you, and it is not offensive to God.
• Realize how to have it all, and still be “normal.”
• Find their personal life’s path
If any of these statements resonate with you, we should talk. 

I can help you incorporate or level up your spiritual practice and offer practical tips and guidance on how to handle every day living.

Using my charismatic gifts, I can see and feel clearly with what and whom you are facing. I can help you navigate your relationships and life to meld your spirituality with the reality in which you are living.

I will teach you how to stay in the present moment AND manifest your dream life.

Your soul’s path is the one that offers you the easiest, happiest and most fulfilling life experiences. It is only when you are truly aligned to your higher self, on the path to the best version of you that you are free. This is concierge consulting  including weekly soul readings. You get exactly what Spirit wants you to receive: messages, mediumship, healing, encouragement and more.

You can expect an honest, real and positive relationship with me. For twelve weeks, we will transform your preconceived notions, self-doubt and lack of clarity into a new way to be.

Together, we get specific and focus on where your thinking and life need a positive shift. You need to merely change your mind, not add to the “to do” list. If you are ready to level up your life, move from good to great, grumpy to groovy and start living, this is where you need to be.

Spend twelve weeks with me to get and stay connected to God and have a blast in your life.

12 Sessions, 24.5 Hours to a new outlook on your life!

• Signed copy of Steph’s latest book ($35 value)

• Access to Steph M-F 9-5 via Text/Voxer ($2880 value)

• Infinite Possibilities Workbook to manifest your best life ($250 value)

• The life you always wanted (priceless)

Sessions & Pricing:
1 Two and Half Hour initial intake session
11 Two Hour bi-weekly sessions
$4488* paid in full or $775*/month billed monthly for 6 months

IP Certified Trainer