There Are Ancient Secrets to
-Growing a family that is healthy, happy & well adjusted
-Living a peaceful, satisfying life
-Creating a workplace that is fun, productive & profitable
Don’t Waste Anymore Time Reading! Order Now! Here!
Buy it on Amazon“What a joy this book was! The common sense approach to life, family & work could be required reading for high schoolers embarking on their first jobs.
Loved how you incorporated the pictures and recipes. Although I am of Irish/Scottish descent we also talk about the next meal before we are finished with the first!”
Patricia Ray

You Do Not Need A Separate Formula For Each Area of Your Life!
This book is for anyone who wants to truly embrace life and enjoy every moment. Whether you are interested in positively influencing your family, a single person who desires to offer and receive value in relationships or a business owner who cares about employees and increasing productivity. You will learn what it takes to reach your desired outcomes. Steph Palermo melds old school values with our current modern day world.
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The Same Principles Apply Across the Board!
These Secrets Originated and Remain On the Island of Sicily Where Time Has Practically Stood Still For Hundreds of Years!
Steph has compiled these principles for you in her latest book:
Buy it on AmazonSicilian Immigrants kept some of these ideas alive. More important to those who traveled across the pond for “a better life” was becoming Americans.
If you are of Italian or Sicilian descent, you will identify with Steph’s stories as you stroll down memory lane. She will remind you of what you may have forgotten, or you will nod in agreement as a practicing Sicilian

They forgot the foundation of life through globalization, Americanization & Modernization.
We live in a watered down society that has lost sight of what is really important, the basic values, practices and ideas that offer true contentment, joy of living and success.
Our biggest assets are the people around us: parents, partners, siblings, extended family, friends & co-workers.
Here’s a bit of what you’ll learn in “It’s Not Personal, Sonny, It’s Business”
We do not know how to tap into the treasures in front of our very eyes so that we can enjoy all that was meant us.
Steph uses her life experiences growing up in a Sicilian family together with extended time spent in Sicily to offer simple, yet profound wisdom of the ancients.
Feel what it is like to sit at a Sicilian Dinner Table
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Develop a comprehensive understanding of Respect, Loyalty, Forgiveness and easily improve your current situation with Steph’s tips
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Its Not Personal Sonny, Its Business
Steph Palermo, raised in a Sicilian family, taps into her experiences both at home and in Sicily to bring you simple wisdom to transform your life and business. Sicilians are passionate about family, food, love and respect. Steph tackles Sicilian traditions like the family dinner table, forgiveness, loyalty and generosity. She offers tips on incorporating these values and others into your life to strengthen familial bonds, inspire lives and ultimately positively affect the bottom line in your business. As a short story teller, Steph draws you into her world and demonstrates how adopting a Sicilian way of thinking and being, you will begin to value all you have. You will enjoy healthy relationships, inner peace and an increase in productivity at home and work, not to mention an increase in appreciation for meal time.
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