It's Not All About the Weight!

I have been a bit unhappy with my weight.  I have put on 12 lbs since last summer.  I had my annual check up yesterday.  My doctor says to lose 5 lbs and that I was a bit underweight last summer.  I feel better since 5 lbs is an easier task than 12.   There is better news here…Both sides of my family suffer with high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and strokes.  I am 46 years old and a mother of 4 boys ages 21 down to 9.  My blood work came back and everything is within normal limits.  My cholesterol is 163, 12 pts lower than last year.  Also, I just was scanned for my antioxidant level with Pharmanex.  My levels are very high, 44k.  The average American is only at 10k.  So I have my health to be happy about, even if my weight is not exactly where I want it.  Eating clean, exercise, and reducing stress makes for longevity and quality of life.  

Contact me at to get on the path of well being!

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