Tag Archives: steph palermo

What Happened to Vinny?

Planning my trip to the desert strip was interesting this time around.  We try to [...]

Hit Me With Your Best Shot!

Put up your dukes, let’s get down to it.  Does life for me always have [...]

You've Come A Long Way, Stephie!

I’ve come a long way from Medford (Meffa).  This is a state of mind for [...]

The American Nightmare

I grew up just outside Boston, Medford (Meffa), in a neighborhood where the houses looked [...]


She Let Go!

“Without a thought or word, she let go. She let go of the fear. She [...]


Just Steph

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Warning: Take Care of Your Bodies!

This note is geared toward the twenty somethings, but applies to all.  I have one [...]

Stop Projecting!

People will accuse you of what they do themselves.  Do not spend energy worrying about [...]