Tag Archives: wellness

Red Dress Party 2015 Press Release

For Immediate Release Media inquiries: Steph Palermo steph@juststeph.com A Women’s Heart Health Fundraiser for the [...]

All I want for Christmas is…

Tradition, as defined in my iPhone dictionary app, is a specific practice of long-standing and/or [...]


A Holiday Message from Just Steph

  Dear  Friends, I am wishing you a wonderful holiday season and a joyful New [...]


The Only Way is Up!

Here is my new intro to my show,The Only Way is Up!

What Happened to Vinny?

Planning my trip to the desert strip was interesting this time around.  We try to [...]

Pass the Bucatini!

They say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.  Not convinced of [...]

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?

The holidays are upon us. As soon as Halloween rolls around, one can sense heightened [...]

What's Over the Fence?

  During dinner with my girlfriends, one of my besties recounted a recent event at [...]


It's Not Personal, Sonny….

According to Don Miguel Ruiz and the Toltecs, never take anything personally is agreement number [...]


How to Choose a Therapist

How to Choose a Therapist I am excited to announce my first contribution to Goal [...]