Warning: Take Care of Your Bodies!

This note is geared toward the twenty somethings, but applies to all.  I have one major regret in my life.  I did not take care of my body.  In 2008, I chose to start eating healthy and increased my workouts.  Although I am in great cardio vascular shape, feel fab and can pretty much keep up with the big boys at the boxing gym I am dealing with stretched skin and stretch marks.  There is no workout that can reduce the excess skin

.photoMy food issues go deep. I struggle with moderation mainly on weekends and when I am on vacation. I will be blogging about this in the next few weeks. I also hid behind the weight as an excuse not to participate in many activities. So if I have one bit of advice for those of you in your twenties, take care of your body. Don’t let yourself go when you get married and have babies. I have lost 100 lbs. since my last baby. Can you imagine?


Check out my website, www.juststeph.com and my other blogs for more of my journey, www.juststephblog.com. Be on the lookout for my book which is a compilation of my blogs with commentaries.

Tell me what’s going on in your life. I want to hear from you!

Amore & Baci (Love & Kisses),

Just Steph


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