Tag Archives: healthy living

This Girl is On Fire!

All I want for Christmas is…

Tradition, as defined in my iPhone dictionary app, is a specific practice of long-standing and/or [...]


The Only Way is Up!

Here is my new intro to my show,The Only Way is Up!

The Eyes Have It

I love the eye lock.  You can almost guess what the other person is feeling [...]

What Happened to Vinny?

Planning my trip to the desert strip was interesting this time around.  We try to [...]

Pass the Bucatini!

They say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.  Not convinced of [...]

Yah, You Blend!

 I have been living in Atlanta for twenty years.  I was a young mother of [...]

I Found My Mojo!

After the summer of indulgence, eating, drinking and low-keyed workouts, I found myself needing the [...]


It's Not Personal, Sonny….

According to Don Miguel Ruiz and the Toltecs, never take anything personally is agreement number [...]


All The Shrinks I've Loved Before

In the spring of 1996, I buckled my two and four-year old boys into my [...]